Everything from meal help to resource assistance, these local ministries in Hamilton may be just what you need. Feel free to check them out on our webpage here!
Are you in a bind, down on your luck, or just looking for a little extra help to stay on your feet? Then consider checking out Love INC. of Hamilton. They partner with local churches like HRC to provide a resource assistance ministry to people in need.
Love INC. also offers a unique life-skills program that provides caring relationships, focused learning opportunities, and general support to help people cope, achieve goals and improve their life circumstances.
Love INC. Hours
Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Love INC. Contact Information
Office Phone: 269-751-2533
Fax: 269-751-6423
​Email: office@loveincnwa.org
Hungry for Christ (HFC) in Hamilton, MI, is a free-food distribution ministry in Hamilton. They work with a number of food manufacturers to utilize perfectly edible food items which for varying reasons may have been deemed unsellable by their customers. Those food items are then picked up by HFC's 53-foot temperature-controlled, semi-truck's and brought back to their warehouse in Hamilton to be safely stored according to federal safe food handling guidelines.
Additionally, if you are looking for meal assistance, HFC offers a number of programs to help you get connected with food to feed you and your family.
Hungry For Christ Hours
Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Hungry For Christ Contact Information
Office Phone: 269-751-2533
Fax: 269-751-6423
​Email: office@loveincnwa.org