HRC has many opportunities to get involved - from volunteering to donating. Check here for ways YOU can get involved in the life of HRC!
Summer Story Time
Summer Story Time begins on June 16. This year our theme is “Splash!”
and we will be visiting lots of Bible stories that involve water.
How can YOU help? Find a buddy or friend and sign up to help out! We are looking for volunteers each week to hang out with the kids downstairs. Check out the bulletin board by the carport entrance and sign up to be a leader or helper.
VBS Volunteers
Many volunteers are needed to help make this event amazing! There are a variety of volunteer positions – crafts, games, snack, junior helpers and more. Prayerfully consider how you might be able to help. Sign up at: https://vbspro.events/p/049e4e
Cookies for Fellowship Time
Sign up on the bulletin board outside the kitchen in you are willing to bring 3 dozen cookies to be served during our time of fellowship following the worship service on Sunday mornings. Cookies can be homemade or store bought.
Love INC Pantry Volunteers
We are in need of volunteers to staff the Love INC personal needs pantry on Fridays from 10:00am-12:30pm. Please sign up on the bulletin board outside the kitchen.