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Our Wednesday Night is designed around giving families a night to set aside in their week to rejoin the church family and celebrate what has happened that week over a shared meal and programming for students three years old - 8th grade. 


Our 2024-2025 Wednesday Night programming runs:

October 9 - December 11 (off the week of Thanksgiving)

January 15 - March 12 (off on Ash Wednesday)

Wednesday Night Meals

Served in the Fellowship Hall from 5:45pm until 6:15pm. 

All are welcome to these meals…free of charge!


Youth Praise Team

Our Youth Praise Team is for students 2nd – 12th grade.  

We will learn new songs for Praise and Worship and talk about the meanings of the songs and incorporate Bible verses as well as a time of prayer.  Practices will be held 6:00-6:30pm in the Sanctuary.


Kid Connection:  Three Years Old – 3rd Grade

Activities include a Bible story, game, and a craft all connected to the theme of the evening.  Students gather in the basement from 6:30-7:30pm.  Two groups are run simultaneously (a younger group and an older group).


Grow:  4th – 5th Grade

This program has been designed to meet this age group on their level instead of trying to house them in another program that doesn't really meet their needs.  Grow is set up like youth group while offering more challenging material than Kid Connection.  This year's topic is "Unlikely Encouters".  Grow meets on Wednesday nights from 6:30-7:30pm in Room 8 in the back hallway.   


Gravitate:  6th – 8th Grade Youth Group

Gravitate meetings are held on Wednesday evenings

in the Youth Room downstairs 6:30-7:30pm


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Office Hours:  Monday – Friday

8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m


3554 Lincoln Rd., Hamilton, MI 49419

(269) 751-5145




Connecting People

to God's Family,


and Way of Life



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