Adult Bible Study Opportunities
Adult Bible Study
Watch the Heartbeat for information.
All women are welcome!
Women’s Bible Study (September - May)
Meets weekly during Sunday School in the Conference Room.
All women are welcome!
Men’s Bible Study (September - April)
Meets every other week on Saturday mornings at 6:00am in the Conference Room. Watch the Heartbeat for meeting information.
Adult Sunday School (September - May)
Classes held sporadically throughout the year.
Check the Heartbeat for information.
Prayer Group
Meets the 2nd and 4th Monday each month from 8:30-9:30am.
Everyone is welcome.
Retirees & Senior Adults of HRC
A ministry to retirees and senior adults. Meets once a month at
The Trestle Stop (for breakfast or dinner). Watch the Heartbeat or calendar
for monthly information and sign-up deadlines.
Kids Hope Mentors
HRC is actively involved in mentoring students at Hamilton Elementary and
Hamilton Middle School. Please contact Joy Essenburg if you are interested in
being a mentor or prayer partner: kidshopehrc@gmail.com